Random Signature Generator v1.0 Kevin Wells 1996 kewells@vt.edu All Rights Reserved 12/29/96 Features -------- - Loads & passes command line arguments to email program - Fast generation even with large signature files - Displays the number of the signature that is currently in use by email program - Automatic randomizing of signature How to obtain the program & contact the author ---------------------------------------------- Visit my home page at http://www.vt.edu:10021/K/kewells/ My page will have instructions on how to obtain the program. This program only runs under Windows 95 & NT. Legal issues ------------ This program may be freely copied and distributed. The author reserves all rights to this program. Please feel free to contact the author with any suggestions or improvements you have for the program. Installation ------------ Run setup.exe from within Windows 95 or NT. Follow the installation wizard. Structure of random signature file ---------------------------------- This program was initially designed to use the FORTUNES.TXT file supplied with Linux. That file has the following format: Signature1 % Signature2 % Signature3 You must have a % on a blank line at the end of every signature except the last one. There is no maximum to the length of the signature file. General Use ----------- The program randomizes your signature every time it loads up. It also loads your email program when it loads up if you prefer. Choose the button with a number on it to change signatures. If you are running Windows NT 4.0 or Windows 95, and have RandSig hidden, you can click on the icon in the tray bar to change the signature. To exit the program, choose Options, and then exit program. Options Dialog Box ------------------ This dialog box sets up all of the settings for the program. Email Program: The full path of the executable file of your email program. For Eudora Pro & Light users, this will be something like c:\eudora\eudora.exe Title bar of Email Program: The exact string of what appears on the title bar of your email program. For Eudora Pro users, this is Eudora Pro. Signatures: The location of the file that holds all of your signatures. The format of this file is explained below. Email program's signature file: The location of the text file your email program uses for its signature. For Eudora Pro & Light users using a version less than 3.0, the name of this file is signatur.pce. For Eudora version 3.0 and greater, the name of this file is standard.txt located in the Sigs\ subdirectory of the Eudora directory. Non-changing part of signature: This field refers to the part of your signature that is static, or doesn't change. For example my signature (before I used the random signature generator) used to be: Kevin Wells kewells@vt.edu Virginia Tech Computer Engineering http://www.vt.edu:10021/K/kewells/ What I did was to put the old signature into a text file and added a one or two blank lines after it (and three hyphens on a line). After the random signature generator finishes it will make your email signature have this structure: NOTE: Make sure the nonchanging part of your signature is _NOT_ the same file as your email signature file! Time between signature changes: (in seconds) Set this to zero if you do not want your signature changed automatically. Always on top: Self explanatory. Exit with Mailer: Decides whether or not to close the randsig when you close your email program Recount signatures: YOU MUST CHOOSE THIS EVERY TIME YOU _MODIFY_ THE SIGNATURE FILE. This will rebuild the index file SIGS.IDX located in your email program's directory and will tally up the new signatures you have. Your signatures are automatically recounted when you change signature files. Any modification to the random signature file requires a rebuilt index. Revision History ---------------- v1.0 - First major release (12/29/96) - Cosmetic change to the About Box - Added setup program - Changed settings location in registry - Added dialog box for initial run of program v0.99c - Second Beta release (11/3/96) - Program does not exit anymore before Eudora loads up when "exit with email" option is checked. - Passes command line arguments to email program v0.99b - First Beta release; Complied using MFC. v0.99 - Second Alpha release; API calls only v0.95 - Alpha release; API calls only